is a century-old assumption in the civil engineering
field that the only reason to even consider chemical
stabilization of soils is if you have a “problem
soil”, such as a highly expansive clay soil,
or a problem with a mudhole that needs to be dried
out before road construction can begin. No problem
soil, no mudhole, then no reason to even consider
soil stabilization, right? That may have been the
state-of-the-practice 100 years ago, but now that
line of thinking is potentially a multi-million-dollar
the availability of advanced chemical stabilization
technology in recent decades, road, street and highway
construction costs can be reduced by hundreds of
thousands of dollars per mile by substituting chemically
stabilized layers of locally available soils in
place of layers of imported manufactured crushed
aggregate materials. In many cases, chemically stabilized
soils can provide stiffer and more resilient layers
than the crushed aggregate materials they are replacing.
The net result being more durable and more resilient
pavement structural sections that can be verified
post construction with field testing using modern
non-destructive testing (NDT) equipment.
than automatically associating the words chemical
stabilization with the words problem soil, it’s
time for a new realization in the highway and civil
construction industries. The proper word to associate
with the word STABILIZATION is not problem, but
So what is the root of this mistaken assumption,
this blind spot in the industry? Go back for the
past 100 years, a period of time when cement and
lime products were considered to be the only options
for chemical soil stabilization. These two calcium-based
chemicals are both costly to produce and to the
environment, because of their fossil-fuel intensive
manufacturing processes that require extremely high
temperatures. They are also expensive to transport
to project locations in bulk truckloads as they
are applied as powder products at rates that can
require hundreds or even thousands of truckloads
for large highway projects. For engineers and contractors
schooled in regard to chemical soil stabilization
that limit their thinking to only cement and lime
products, there is a historical basis to associate
the use of cement and lime with problem soils and
high costs. Cement and lime, however, generate problems
of their own, such as shrinkage, brittle and reflective
cracking. So unless you have a serious soil problem
to solve, there are good reasons not to consider
use of these products. That’s the history.
the clock forward. You now have available the EMC
SQUARED® System stabilization technology,
a family of concentrated liquid stabilizers that
are simply added to the compaction water as part
of the standard earthwork and road building construction
procedures. With public agencies paying anywhere
from a dollar to two dollars per cubic foot of crushed
aggregate delivered to their project locations,*
the EMC SQUARED® System products
are replacing the need for aggregate materials for
as little as 15¢ worth of stabilizer product
per cubic foot of locally available soil. Calculate
those cost savings over a mile of road, twenty miles
of road or a hundred miles of road. That is a big
opportunity for project owners and others interested
in lowering road construction costs, which makes
a strong economic reason to budget time today to
learn more about this quantum leap forward in stabilization
product technology.
on each photo for more information
upon delivered costs of $15.00 to $30.00 USD per
ton of aggregate at average density of 133.33 per
cubic foot (pcf)